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NRC Awards Kaptivate Competency Modeling Program Contract

nuclear facility in background with white male in foreground wearing white hard hat, orange shirt, and having red beard.

The Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) has awarded Kaptivate a 4.5 year contract to continue developing a broad Competency Model (CM) Program for the agency. After a six month assessment of the existing CM program involving stakeholder interviews and data analysis, Kaptivate will continue its work and begin implementing a series of its recommendations.

The Work Ahead

In this implementation phase, Kaptivate will collaborate with the NRC to produce a Competency Model Program that improves individual and unit effectiveness and defines role expectations. By optimizing staff competencies and aligning them with human capital strategies, the program improvements will boost staff adoption of the models and help achieve strategic outcomes. In response to the award, Ron Vassallo, Kaptivate’s CEO, remarked, “we’re excited to advance NRC competency modeling and human capital objectives at a critical juncture for the agency and the resurgent industry it regulates.” The work associated with the award begins in October 2023.

A Path Forward

Established by Congress in 1974, the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) is tasked with all non-military uses of radioactive material, including the U.S. commercial nuclear power industry and other applications of nuclear science (industrial, medical, etc.). Through licensing and inspection processes, the NRC safeguards the American people and the environment.