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Capabilities Statement
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Client Spotlight: CRA Inc. Kaptivate Boosts Marketing Power of CRA Inc.

cra-before-after-pic (1)On time and on budget, the creative and digital services team at Kaptivate worked closely with CRA to help them articulate their government services and created a Capabilities Statement which is just as essential as a resume is to a job seeker. Government agencies use these to compare a company's abilities against other vendors. We helped CRA think through how to best showcase their competitive edge.

"Kaptivate really helped me think through our value to our customers, and shaped our story."
Debbie Ward, CRA Inc.

We then took the new and improved Capabilities Statement and fleshed out a brand new website keeping with the new look and feel so it was consistent across all platforms. 

“I am so proud of the collaboration and end result we were able to achieve with CRA. It was a pleasure to work with them!”
Marni Hotchkiss, Director, Creative Direction & User Experience, Kaptivate

Congratulations CRA, Inc.
To see the new site in action, visit:


CRA Inc. helps clients prevent, respond to, mitigate, and rapidly recover from all emergency needs – from staffing hard to fill positions, ensuring business continuity, to enhancing our national security in highly populated environments–they are experts at helping our clients adapt and overcome.