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Exploring axe-con 2024: A Deep Dive into Building Accessible Experiences

Are you passionate about making technology accessible to everyone? Do you believe in the power of inclusive design? Then axe-con 2024 by Deque was the place to be! 

This past February, accessibility advocates, designers, developers, and advocates from around the globe gathered for three days of inspiration, learning, and networking at the premier conference dedicated to accessibility in technology. I was honored to be a part of it.Marni Hotchkiss

This free and virtual event brought together a diverse array of professionals and thought leaders in accessibility. Whether you were a seasoned expert or just beginning your journey into accessibility, there was something for everyone.

The conference kicked off with powerful keynote speeches from industry luminaries who shared their insights and visions for the future of accessibility. From discussing the latest advancements in assistive technology to highlighting the importance of inclusive design practices, the keynote speakers set the tone for an engaging and thought-provoking conference.

The following days offered 40+ one hour sessions to pick and choose from in categories such as development, design, and organizational success with accessibility. I found the discussions around artificial intelligence (AI) and accessibility particularly fascinating. The Impact of AI on People with Disabilities session with Matthew Johnston, Global Head of Disability Inclusion at Thoughtworks, taught me that AI has the potential to accelerate digital design and development. AI alone will not make a website compliant and won’t fix accessibility completely. We will always depend on humans and those with disabilities to help make digital experiences better. AI can be biased and human expertise and oversight are always needed.

I also was so excited to attend the session with disability myth buster content creators Squirmy and Grubs (Shane and Hannah Burcaw) who I have been following on social media for a few years. They continue to break down the stigma surrounding disability by sharing with the world what it’s like being in an interabled relationship. When they are not traveling across the country speaking in front of school-age to professional audiences, this adorable couple is working on a collection of real-life love stories centered around individuals with disabilities.

Axe-con 2024 was more than just a conference; it was a celebration of community and collaboration. Attendees had the chance to engage in lively discussions, share their experiences and insights, and contribute to the ongoing dialogue surrounding accessibility in technology. 

As the conference came to a close, I left feeling inspired, empowered, and energized to continue my work in advancing accessibility in technology and in the work we do at Kaptivate. Armed with new knowledge, skills, and connections, I returned to my communities ready to make a positive impact and drive meaningful change. I look forward to axe-con 2025, to once again come together and push the boundaries of accessibility, creating a more inclusive digital world for all.

P.S. Thank you Deque for the awesome T-shirt. Digital Equality truly is my jam!